Growing Tears – Chp 41 Who’s Feelin





I still had my suspicion she could feel things. I looked at her, “That’s not fair; you can almost read their minds.”

Jake and James stopped on a dime. James put his arms around me like I said something wrong.

She raised her eyebrows as her eyes fell hard on me, “I am very good at my job, Sarah; I can read most people. How do you think I got so far in my career?” The stiffness was coming over her in a very stern way.

Jake nudged me as if to tell me to shut up.

Clarissa and I exchanged grins because she knew that we all knew. I got the distinct feeling to drop the subject, while James whispered in my ear, “You’re pushing her buttons, Sarah, behave.”

Wanting reinforcements from Jake I turned to him and gestured for him to give her a feeling, but he wouldn’t even look at me. In my mind I had to ask. ‘Jake did you feel that?’ He didn’t turn to me; he just nodded. James let go of me moving forward on the edge of the couch to get a better sight of Jake. Sam elbowed me in the calf; he was sitting between my legs on the floor.

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